Children's Ministry
Preschool - 5th Grade
9:30 & 11:00 AM: Nursery 0-2 yrs. old (for entire service)
PreK-5th grade (children dismissed after worship time)
What's it like?
Who are the teachers?
When is it offered?
Wellspring offers three Children’s Ministry classes during weekend services for children from ages 3-11 years old. We encourage kids to love Jesus and understand Him better.
Our teachers and helpers are kind, gentle, and fun while encouraging the kids to think for themselves. All teachers and helpers working with children are trained in accordance with our Child Protection Plan and undergo a formal background check.
Children’s Ministry takes place during the message portion of our weekend services. Children stay with their families and participate in the worship time and are then dismissed to their class before the message.
Have more questions?

Infants & Toddlers
What's it like?
We are delighted to provide a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment for the youngest attenders of Wellspring.
Who are the volunteers?
Our nursery team always consists of at least one adult volunteer and one additional adult or youth volunteer. All nursery volunteers undergo a formal background check and are trained to be familiar with nursery facilities and child safety and agree to the Wellspring Child Protection Plan before serving.
When is it offered?
The Nursery is located in the Kids Zone in Classroom D. It opens 10 minutes before each weekend service and lasts until the service is completed.

Nursery Policies
Check In & Check Out
Please visit the Kids Zone before each service to check in your children and give them their nametags. You will also get a unique code to pick them up. Children are released only to their parents (or guardians) unless the parents inform the nursery staff otherwise.
Diapering & Potty Training
If you would like our staff and volunteers to change your child’s diaper or accompany them to the single-stall bathroom, we will ask you to sign a diapering consent form. If you do not want us to do this, our volunteers will text you if needed. Please leave any instructions you would like the volunteers to know. If your child is potty-trained, please leave instructions for the volunteers to follow if your child needs to use the restroom.
Our nursery volunteer staff may not dispense any type of medication to your child. If your child requires medication, please come to the nursery at the appropriate time to administer it.
If your child becomes ill or injured during their time with us, one of the nursery volunteers will text you or find you in the sanctuary. For the health and safety of all children and nursery volunteers, please do not bring your child to the nursery if they are sick or display any of these symptoms within the last 24 hours:
-- Coughing, Fever, Diarrhea, or Vomiting
--Colored discharge from nose/eyes
--Contagious eye infections, conjunctivitis (pink-eye)
--Unexplained skin rash
--Use of antibiotics within 24 hours
-- Coughing, Fever, Diarrhea, or Vomiting
--Colored discharge from nose/eyes
--Contagious eye infections, conjunctivitis (pink-eye)
--Unexplained skin rash
--Use of antibiotics within 24 hours
The nursery provides simple snacks such as natural Cheerios. Food allergy safety is very important to us. We maintain a nut-free nursery and we ask that parents not bring any snack containing nuts at any time. If your child has any food allergies, please note this on the sign in sheet. For the safety of your child, we ask that you also specifically tell one of the nursery staff that your child has food allergies.
Diaper Bags
If your child will need any special items during the service, please leave them in a diaper bag with the nursery staff and give them any special instructions regarding its contents. Your bag may need to contain the following items:
--All items required for a change (diaper, creams, ointments, salves, wipes, etc.)
--Extra diaper(s)
--Bottle/formula, or cup, if needed
--Pacifier or other item your child may find comforting
--Change of clothes
--Snack if there is something particular that your child will need to eat during his/her time in the nursery besides the regular snack provided by the nursery.
--All items required for a change (diaper, creams, ointments, salves, wipes, etc.)
--Extra diaper(s)
--Bottle/formula, or cup, if needed
--Pacifier or other item your child may find comforting
--Change of clothes
--Snack if there is something particular that your child will need to eat during his/her time in the nursery besides the regular snack provided by the nursery.